Wednesday, November 11, 2009

remember when.........

1964 St. Joseph Missouri--- I seem to remember it this way... we only moved there for us to "pick up" David (he was born in July) and me to get glasses. But I guess a few more things happened there....we only stayed a few months and moved back to Rock Island to the SAME house....deja veux.....

David's sweet little picture as a 3 year old, 1967, Normalville PA. Not many people can say they grew up in Normalville....ask around.....
Oh, by the way, there is a Dollar Tree Store where Bigham's house used to be across from our old house.... That is where we started hunting bottles and going "dumping", we made LOTS of apple cider and homemade vinegar. The barn burned down. A bomb went off, spontaneously. Lots of memories......

The summer of 1991, 3 of us 5 Vaughn kids had sons. This is a picture of them @ Mom and Dad's 50th wedding anniversary, collierville TN. 2001 and they would have been 10.

Had lunch with Mom and Pop today and Dad was checking out the pecan crop as we drove by his best places to pick up nuts...... (check out previous blog about last years' adventure. Well that's all for now.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, BUT She DID NOT break anything at all. Last Friday I had a big fall ( from the clutz that I can be at times) and bruised up my left arm really bad. The color changes daily have been pretty dramatic. Anyway EVERYBODY has been on my case to get an XRAY. So after one week I did. and NOTHING is broken, no dent, no hairline crack NOTHING> Just soft tissue contusion and allow one month to get better.........

Monday, June 8, 2009

Mums 2 the RESQ, INC.

I went WAY out of my comfort zone this past weekend to help a friend with her daughter's wedding reception. Mums 2 the RESQ,Inc was born when Dr. Snapp could't find a suitable caterer. So a few of us co-workers mentioned "I could do ..." this or that and it all made sense to carry out the plan. All the lunchtime planning sessions and hours figuring the details came to a wonderful conclusions Saturday. The wedding was out of town so we carried all the food and supplies, decorations, etc from Memphis to Clarksville (3 hours away if you don't get lost like I did twice). JoAnn(former caterer and excellent chef) made the chicken fracais and pasta salad &packed it ready transport. Sarah (with helper Jesse) cut fruit and veggies and picked up JoAnn's prepared things and came up Sat. am. Judy (from Boston) was the professional decorater and etiquette expert and came up with Hubby John Friday nite to be bright eyed ready to go to work with me Sat. 9 am. I was the cook- assigned to make the meat and cheese and shrimp platters and cook/serve meatballs and chicken and keep the buffet line stocked and going. Sarah and Jesse got to be the champagne and wine distribution staff too.All went off well. Pictures of the buffet table, reception room before and after (note flowers flown in from Hawaaii, and our little group of girls- Judy, Dr. Snapp, pat and Sarah. and the mice were so cute... see facebook for more on the wedding------

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day remember our Brave soldier boys!!!!

Not to be competing with Matt Crain, let's just say "more to the story"..... we have more vets in the family tree.
Grandaddy Rustemeyer served as a chaplain in WWII, the 63rd Infantry division in France and Germany 1944-6. He entered the Army right after Pearl Harbor and enlisted as a 1st LT. and rose to the office as Major (see ID as a Major). He received the Bronze Star for his duty serving and tending the soldiers during one of the major battles, of which there were many. He wouldn't talk about the war when he came home and the rest of his life. He kept a lot of his war correspendence and pictures and I am trying to get in all together for a book. Volunteers welcome.

Grandpa Jack Vaughn served in the Korean War in the 4th Infantry. He was stationed in Germany, protecting the border with Russia. He shot the BIG guns and was known for his great aim!! He tells lots of stories about the days in Germany and how he will never sleep on the ground again....thats where it happened. Ask about it sometime..........

Sunday, April 19, 2009

New Uses 4 Duct Tape

Marisa was a bridesmaid in her long-time friend John's wedding yesterday. Well, the goofy dress was a halter top and "well endowed Marisa" was unable to contain herself fully. So to aid the effort so to speak we experimented with clear duct tape and were very pleased with the excellent results. She took the rest of the roll of tape to the church for the final dressing and wedding prep. Found out later she had 2 others of the wedding party join her in the using of the duct tape experiment. Final count---bride and 2 of the 5 bridesmaids were taped together, so to speak. Pictured are Marisa and her friend Angela- Angela's wedding is in 6 weeks and Marisa is the maid of Honor in that one (@Graceland).

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

JAKE GRADUATION - 18 is the number to remember

My thoughts recalled yesterday in an "ahh-haa" moment that Jacob will graduate 18 years to the day we received him into our family. As you remember or not, Jacob arrived in our family as a 19 day old bundle of smallness on MAY 18, 1991. Now 18 years later at the age of 18, he will graduate on MAY 18 2009. He has been and continues to be a blessing in our lives. Congrates Son.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

SPRING IS HERE and my yard is back together again!!!

My perspective of life has changed. Spring is in full bloom, my allergies too and MY FRONT YARD IS BACK TOGETHER AGAIN. I WILL NOT miss the blinking hazard lights in the front or the code enforcer's nagging phone calls. The cherry blossoms are spectacular this year.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Grandpa's PECANS

Grandpa Vaughn has been spending the winter months harvesting pecans. He has been excited about the bumper crop this year. Who would have thought you could see him out on the main street of Collierville with his scooter picking up nuts. Today was a pretty spring day and we got some pictures. Remember this is on Poplar Ave./Highway 57- busy street at some times of day........

Monday, January 12, 2009


SUNDAY MORNING + ROTO-ROOTER = Not a pleasant thing............

I woke up yesterday, Sunday to find Roto-Rooter on the way to my house. That in and of itself is not the most pleasant thing, but the rest of the story ................
The tree in the front of the house- remember the one with the pretty leaves in November, well, it has roots that have attacked the sewer line. The line from the house to the street is broken in 3 places and nearly filled with roots, which doesn't carry sewage away from the house like it was intended. So, we get to see more of the friendly Roto-guys. Not to mention, the water is shut off, and I currently do not know if we will have functional pipes for "get ready for work and school time" in the morning. *they are still working @745 pm.....actually gone to the store for a part 3 hours ago and haven't come back yet. I guess the store is in China.

This is the front yard MONDAY

I'm trying to remain positive. here are the highlights:
The dreadful holly bushes that greeted visitors at the front door, will be gone.
The sidewalk gets replaced.

Give me a day- I'll have a few more for you.

One day we will look back on this as a ??? Laughable event?