Over the course of the past 6 generations now WOOD, TIMBER, LOGS, Trees have been involved in the livelihood and hobbies of our family:
Nanee Rustemeyer's grandpa Old man Joe Tatum- sawyer is listed on the census as occupation. His sons Joe and Charlie Tatum worked for the pencil factory in South Pittsburgh,TN. Granville Vaughn's father was reportedly a logger. Granville's livelihood was timber and he had his own sawmill beginning in the 1930s, and later a father-son mill first with Jack, later with Cliff. They cut ballbat blanks which they shipped to the mill for ballbats.
Jack Sr was the first to attend Lumber grading school and was in the 4th class of the school headquartered here in Memphis TN. Cliff later also attend and graduated.
Mark, Jack and David all did the same. Jack Sr worked as a Lumber grader/inspector for a number of companies and then went into business for himself with son Mark.
Jack joined the company later. Now Jack Sr has retire, Mark is in business on his own , Jack has changed occupations.Mark has a son Kevin with him for now.
Another son, MAtt is just graduated from College and practicing "green" construction.
David had his own business selling specialty woods. Dave and Jack both were very good at woodworking and ,as granddaddy Rustemeyer spent hours making furniture and wooden things in the shop. Granddaddy Rustemeyer for years had a woodworking shop and made many furniture items for his home and family members. He could get wood from Jack and others. His occupation was a minister . **Jesus was a carpenter TOO, ya know.*** Well, some of the grandsons did pick up his skill and talents, which gave him joy. David was the one who bought most of his tools from the estate. JAck Jr makes specialty wooden bowls at present.
So we have know about sawdust, wood spaghetti, sandpaper, wood glue, countless amounts of nails and wood screws and projects, taking wood to Granddaddys,how to get sawdust out of eyes..........
how many things do granddady make us that we stilll have?
He made 4 little night stands- one for each of the granddaughters when I was 13 so 1967- told me he sanded it well so it wouldn't snag my hose.For the boys he made a walnut study desk. For Jack and Betty early in their marriage, he made a bedroom suite- triple dresser, double bed and night stand. There was the wormy chestnut stereo cabinet-( and then the stereo died)so it is now used as a TV stand. He made at least 3 church pulpits-one still in use at Bethany Christian Church, Eads, Tn, one for Decatur Christian Church Bartlet, Tn and one for ??mom remind me....
Later there came a small Jewelry box- 3 drawer- Nanee lined the drawers.
there were numerous little picture frames and little easles and little things he also made to sell at the womens exchange in Memphis for a little money.
There was the Huge guncabinet when we were in Normalville.
I know there is more- let me know what I have left out...............