Monday, September 20, 2010

1968- where does time do?

NORMALVILLE, PA, about 1968. It was a rainy day, cause we all look like we got caught in a downpour. I don't remember who took the picture.
Where are we all now? Jack and Betty are in Collierville TN retired, 82 and 77 respectively. Patsy Vaughn New (top right) is in Collierville TN married to JT- 2 children, 0 grands working in a pediatric doctors office and doing genealogy most of the rest of the hours of the day.
Deborah Vaughn Sandridge is married to Art and is in Rome Georgia, 5 children, 6 grand daughters, Relief Society President and Busy.
Mark R. Vaughn (dad's right shoulder)is married to Kathryn Lowe and has 5 children and 1 grandson, lives in Salisbury PA, has his own business in the lumber business (3rd generation).
Jack L. Vaughn Jr (dad'd right knee) is living in Salisbury PA as well, paramedic and EMT working many hours at the hospital ER and ambulance (2 or more companies), 3 children, 5 grands.
David Vaughn the little guy (dad's left knee)in the picture is married to Kathy Birch, home based in Denver, Colorado with 2 children. But he is currently working on location building a silo in New Orleans LA and going home every other weekend.
We don't get together often- smaller grouping is more common, but we have a great love of family.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

1956 retro

This is an article that hit the press in 1956. THe baby is Deborah Anne VAughn Sandridge in the purse of Betty JoAnne Rustemeyer Vaughn visiting Aunt Lula Webb In West Virginia.